FearLESS living: Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Dan Crothers
3 min readNov 5, 2021

Yesterday, one of my clients and I decided to work on creating something bigger for his business. He runs a brokerage firm, and without giving too much away, has accounts pay him monthly for his service. He provides excellent service to his accounts and helps them grow their businesses.

I asked if he wanted to play fearlessly with me to see what we could create. He agreed, and we began to look at what was possible for his business. Knowing that anything is truly possible, I asked him what would be a price he could charge his clients that would be more than he could have ever imagined. He gave me his number, and I asked, “does that number scare you?” He said no, so I asked, “what number scares you a little bit?” Without hesitation, he told me and laughed nervously. I told him, in the next two weeks, I wanted him to propose his “scary number” to at least one prospective client. Silence…

I let that silence hang in the air, knowing he had to talk first. Whatever he was going to say next would either be a total commitment to our game or some excuse based on fear of why he couldn’t do it. Luckily, he said, “alright, let’s do this!” Full commitment.

This morning I got a text from him “gonna throw out $xxxx rather than $xxxx… fair?” The number had dropped from our previously agreed number.

I immediately called him to see what had changed in the 12 hours he committed to this game. Although this new number is still more than he could have imagined, he wanted to lower it to be more approachable to the prospective client.

I asked him to get quiet with himself and listen to see if that was the real reason he wanted to lower the price or because he was afraid. Again, silence. Finally, after a few moments, he said it was fear. I told him that real courage isn’t the absence of fear but feeling the fear and doing it anyway. And it was ok to feel fear.

“The purpose of this game isn’t necessarily to get another client who will pay you more than you could’ve previously imagined. The game’s goal is to show you can ask for anything in life even though you may feel fear when asking for it.” I said.

Being too afraid to ask for something doesn’t mean you won’t get it or are unworthy of getting it. It just means you’ve been up in your head long enough to believe some made-up lie you’re telling yourself as to why you can’t ask for or go after what you want.

Fearless does not mean NO FEAR. It just means LESS FEAR than you may be used to.

When you ask for what you want, even if it scares you, you’re asking fearlessly. When you take action to create something you want, even when it terrifies you, you’re taking action fearlessly. Not no fear, just less.

What have you been afraid to ask for or take action on? Try doing it with the fear and see what happens!



Dan Crothers

Transformative coach, entrepreneur, and writer. Exploring what’s true, what’s possible, and what’s truly possible. Available for coaching www.dancrothers.com